Last week, the IRS and Treasury published the final regulations on the employer shared responsibility provision, also known as the employer mandate or Play or Pay, of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Since publication, Katharine Marshall and I have spent a significant amount of time combing through the regulations to understand what has changed, what has stayed the same, what questions are still unanswered, and what new questions have been created. There is a lot of information to uncover! While we still have a ways to go before we see the true impact of these new rules on employers, it is important that employers begin to understand the new rules. Some employers may still face penalties if they are not in compliance on January 1, 2015. To that end, we will be digging into the new rules and providing an overview of many of the issues addressed in the final regulations in a complimentary webinar entitled “Employer Mandate Delay: Overview of New Final Regulations.” We will discuss the various types of transition relief provided in the final regulations, new information on seasonal and other special categories of employees, clarifications to the affordability safe harbors, and other information impacting employers.
The webinar begins at 10:00 AM EST on Wednesday, February 19th. Please join us! Click here to register.